Sunday, March 25, 2012

Your strongest emotions Override your Judgement

Let's recall some experiences. You walked into a total strange dark room and you accidentally stepped on something. What was the first thing that came into your mind? That the mysterious thing you stepped on was a snake, a lizard, a rat, or something you fear the most. It can never a adorable teddy bear or cute bunny rabbit.

Another possibility could be that you thought it was a stacks of notes. Whichever your strongest emotion is, fear or greed.

On another occasion, your friend told you that he/she saw your spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend walking on the street acting intimately and holding the hand of another opposite sex. What was then on your mind? Your mind could be flooded with countless thoughts but there was one underlying dominant thought, that is, it happened.

On the other hand, if that friend told you he saw the spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend of an acquaintance of yours walking on the street acting intimately and holding the hand of another opposite sex, you are likely to remain detached and asked "is that possible" or "so what, that could be his/her sister/brother". That was an example of how your mind give way to fear.

You have always wanting to buy an item you desire so much in a departmental store for a long time but held back because it was too expensive. Suddenly someone told you that the item is on 90% discount in that departmental store and stocks are running out. Are you not likely to rush down to that departmental store immediately without questioning the fact. On the other hand if you had no desire to purchase any item, you will question how could a famous brand give such substantial discount for a non off-season item. That was an example of an overwhelmed greed that clouded the mind.

Yesterday was April Fool's day and most people were well aware of that. But yet there were still victims of pranks and jokes. How could it happened? Well, the pranks must had touched on the deepest emotions of these victims and they fell for them. For instance if you received an sms while you were in your office, saying that a building near your house collapsed and many people died, would you immediately believe it, rather than stop for a moment and remember that it was April Fool's day.

Be aware, be very aware of your every emotion.

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